I endorse the following providers and businesses as those I
have had business with and recommend their services:

Gabe Schiff-Verre, Acupuncturist
Michael Abramski, Massage Therapist
Stephen Coviello, Web Designer
Deb Pfeffer, LCPC, Dream Groups
Maine Jung Center
C.G. Jung Institute of New England
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Jung Society of Western Massachusetts
Western Massachusetts Tarot Association
Tarot Reader’s Studio

I endorse the following providers and businesses as those I
have had business with and recommend their services:

Gabe Schiff-Verre, Acupuncturist
Michael Abramski, Massage Therapist
Will Zell, (web designer)
Jeanne Lee Schacker, LCSW
Maine Fiddle Camp
Casco Bay Scribes
Deb Pfeffer, LCPC, Dream Groups
Maine Jung Center
C.G. Jung Institute
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Jung Society of Western Massachusetts
Western Massachusetts Tarot Association
Tarot Reader’s Studio
Kathleen Norris Homeopath and Chiropractor
Paws Applause Independently owned Pet Store
Falmouth Vision Center